Sunday, January 14, 2007

Buried Alive

Buried Alive was a true story of 19 people, most of them young and energetic, who survived a plane crash on Mount Andes in Argentina in 1972. For seventy days the people suffered and struggled to survive in the subzero atmosphere of Andes, the deadly blizzards, and the devastating avalanches. What got the survivors through these days were their motivations; their needs to survive. Soon after the crash the survivors longed for shelter, and quickly assembled one- the physiological need for shelter was responsible for their action. Then their need for food and water drove them to go out drinking melted snow, searching for any sign of food, yet returned empty handed and were forced to eat the flesh of the dead passengers. Besides physiological needs, the survivors felt the need to belong, to be safe, and to act as a group for they knew that only in consent they will find rescue. It could be said that the need for safety, belonging and love also played a crucial role in their prolonged struggle.

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