Monday, November 13, 2006

Unit 7- Cognition: My First Memory

The thought was vague; I recalled sitting in the dark room in the middle of a day, looking around, trying to find out if there is anyone who could not sleep like me. I was in pre kindergarten at the time. It was about noon and every child was taking a nap, which was the daily routine of our school. I was about 3 at then time. I remembered that I was kneeling down on the floor, waiting for the recess to be over, and that I could continue playing with my friends.

After having written down our memories into our blog, Mr. Anthony asked us to share some of our memories in class. Then, he categorized the memories into 3 kinds of emotional effect; positive, negative, and neutral. It can be seen that most of our first memories are ones that had strong emotional effect on us. In addition, he explained that the actual first memories can be recalled after the age of 5, and that most of the memories we had before that are the retelling of the adults, or from the stories shared in the family.

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