Sunday, September 17, 2006

Our Cheating H E A R T

1. What is the thesis of the article? (One or two sentences only.)

It is that humans are not designed to be monogamous. In other word, due to evolution, humans tend to be more polygamous, or having more than one mates throughout their life.

2. In what ways are the strategies employed by men and women to pass on the next generation at odds?

The men employ the strategies of cheating on their mates by looking for every chance that they can reproduce in other to pass on their genes and keep their traits away from extinction. On the other hand, women tend to look for the healthiest and strongest males with favorable traits to provide them with fertile offspring. However, women also seek comfort and protection from their existing spouses.

3. What conclusion does the article draw about monogamy?

It tries to convey to us that we, human, are not designed to stay with one mate for our life, but to be polygamous. In other words, we are more likely to cheat on our spouses for the fact that our biological structures and survival instincts are telling us to find more and more fertile mates and look for opportunity to reproduce. Not only biological factors that influence our mating behaviors, what seems to be the reasons that people tend to cheat on their spouse are sociological factors such as money and fame. Moreover, it is not only up to our genes that determine our fidelity to our spouses, but also our moral and decisions.

4.) In your own words explain the last paragraph of the article.

It is saying that humans are moral since we have our own ability to make judgments and reasoning skills. However, we are naturally not moral beings. We are what and who we choose to be, it is our awareness that makes us moral.

5. What are you personal reactions to the article?

I felt that this is a controversial topic since being unfaithful to one’s mate is considered immoral in almost every society in the world. However, it is right for the author to say that deep down inside each and every one of us, we are polygamous animals since the theory has been proven valid by many researchers and scientist. I have to agree with the author that we are monogamous or polygamous by our moral and reasons, or ability that separate humans from animals. It is up to us to decide whether we would be moral and live according to the rules and obligations of the society, or be no different from the animals on discovery channel.=)

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